4 Tips for BreastFeed Baby

4 Tips for BreastFeed Baby

One of the gifts women provide to their infants is breast milk. Many parents are unsure and have many questions about breastfeeding, such as how it should be done. How can one tell if breast milk is enough or not? Let’s discuss the aspects of nursing.

Breast milk’s nutritive value

Proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins, and minerals are all present in breast milk.

  • The proteins in breast milk have a high nutritional value, create tiny clots in the stomach, and are beneficial for digestion and absorption. They are also rich in necessary amino acids.
  • Breast milk provides the majority of an infant’s energy throughout the first six months of life and has a larger amount of lactose than cow’s milk.
  • The majority of the fat in breastmilk is found in fine-grained dairy products, and there is one time as much of the more easily absorbed oleic acid fat in breastmilk as compared to cow’s milk.
  • Vitamin A, E, and C concentrations in breast milk are very high.
  • The total mineral content of breastmilk is about 1/3 of that of cow’s milk.
  • In addition, the immune component of breast milk is unique compared to other milk substitutes. Breast milk contains a variety of other immune components such as immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A.

Benefits of breastfeeding

Breastmilk is nutrient-rich, calorie-dense, and offers the ideal balance of nutrients for an infant’s needs and digestive capacity. Infants up to 6 months old can get all the nourishment they need by nursing alone. Breast milk is full of immunological building blocks that help infants’ immune systems develop and have anti-infection properties.

Not only is breastfeeding good for the baby’s development but also for the mother:
1. Breastfeeding can speed up uterine contractions, which encourage uterine renewal and have the effect of halting bleeding. It can cause ovulation and menstruation to return later than expected, causing the uterus and ovaries to fully rest. It can also cause the uterus to quickly revert to its pre-pregnancy state. It can lessen the mother’s risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer.

2. Breastfeeding is quick to get the baby to ingest milk at any time and is easy, practical, clean, and hygienic.

3. Breastfeeding helps the mother’s body swiftly recover by burning off some calories and progressively consuming extra fat.
4. Breastfeeding can strengthen the bond between mother and child, provide the nutrition a baby needs to grow, boost immunity, and aid in the development of the infant’s teeth and face.

Of course, nursing has certain drawbacks for the mother, therefore we need to understand the science behind it.
1. The mother’s sleep can be readily impacted by breastfeeding.
2. Breastfeeding unhygienically or by squeezing the breast can quickly result in mastitis, which can cause fever, breast soreness, swelling, and in severe cases, suppuration. The mother’s nipples risk cracking if the feeding position is improper.

There are restrictions on the use of pharmaceuticals for breastfeeding mothers, and they must be used under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, many drugs can reach the infant through breast milk and damage the baby’s natural development.


Four Tips for Breast Feed Baby

Ensure adequate prenatal preparedness.

Most pregnant women in good health are able to breastfeed. They should gain knowledge of the advantages of nursing early in pregnancy and boost their confidence in doing so; they should also maintain good health, balanced nutrition, enough sleep, and other positive traits; etc. Prepare your maternity clothes for motherhood. Pregnant women can use a bra that fits their breast size to support and prevent their breasts from sagging as they get larger and heavier during pregnancy. Under the supervision of a professional, breastfeeding should begin as soon as the infant is born.

Establishing normal breastfeeding

1. Feed as soon as you can. After the baby is delivered, the mother can hold the newborn in her arms in the delivery room for up to five minutes while she observes it and waits for it to finish its initial sucking. Although there isn’t much milk being produced at the moment, the baby can get used to the breast quickly, and the stimulation of vigorous sucking can improve milk production and strengthen the mother-child attachment.
2. The mother and child share a space. in order for the mother to feed her child as necessary.

3. Demand exclusive breastfeeding. Do not restrict the amount of time between breastfeeding or the frequency of breastfeeding. Feed when the infant awakens, when there are feeding cues, or when the level of the mother’s milk increases. Apply warm compresses to the breasts for three to five minutes before getting ready to breastfeed. Massage the breasts to trigger the ejection reflex.

Mastering the correct breastfeeding position 

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Laying, lateral lying, and sitting are all acceptable breastfeeding positions, with sitting being the most popular.
The baby’s jaw should be close to the mother’s breast, the baby’s abdomen should be close to the mother’s abdomen, and the baby’s chest should be close to the mother’s chest when nursing.

When breastfeeding, the mother sits with the infant in her arms so that the child’s head and shoulders rest on the bend of the elbow on that side. She holds the breast in the shape of a “C” with the other hand. The mother shapes the breast with her thumb and uses her nipple to massage the baby’s mouth. In order for the infant to efficiently suckle and prevent sore and cracked nipples, the mother inserts the nipple and the majority of the areola into the baby’s mouth in a smooth motion when the mouth of the baby opens wide.

Patting after breastfeeding

In order to help the mother release the air from her stomach after breastfeeding, she can hold the baby upright with the head resting on her shoulder. She can also touch her back with the palm of her hand. Keep the infant in the appropriate lateral position if they fall asleep after feedings to avoid suffocating from milk reflux.


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